
Request 1880 (accepted)

Updated php-sabre to sabre-dav 2.1.11, sabre-event 2.0.2, sabre-http 3.0.5 and sabre-vobject 3.5.3. Moved sabre-dav/http/vobject to a new location to be compatible with packages of debian9/ubuntu16.

Roundcube/iRony/chwala have their include paths and/or Dependencies updated

Submit package home:dhoffen...:Winterfell / php-sabre-http to package Kolab:Winterfell / php-sabre-http

0001-Use-ClassLoader-from-Symfony-instead-of-autoload.patch Deleted
0001-Use-homemade-autoload.php.patch Added
0002-Fix-upper-limit-after-spurious-upload-of-php-sabre-e.patch Added
0002-composer.json-no-multiple-versions.patch Deleted
debian.changelog Changed
debian.control Changed
debian.rules Changed
debian.series Changed
debian.tar.gz/autoload.php.tpl Added
debian.tar.gz/clean Added
debian.tar.gz/copyright Changed
debian.tar.gz/docs Added
debian.tar.gz/examples Added
debian.tar.gz/gbp.conf Changed
debian.tar.gz/install Changed
debian.tar.gz/watch Changed
php-sabre-http.dsc Changed
Request History
Daniel Hoffend's avatar

dhoffend created request over 8 years ago

Updated php-sabre to sabre-dav 2.1.11, sabre-event 2.0.2, sabre-http 3.0.5 and sabre-vobject 3.5.3. Moved sabre-dav/http/vobject to a new location to be compatible with packages of debian9/ubuntu16.

Roundcube/iRony/chwala have their include paths and/or Dependencies updated

Jeroen van Meeuwen's avatar

vanmeeuwen accepted review over 8 years ago

Jeroen van Meeuwen's avatar

vanmeeuwen accepted request over 8 years ago

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